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Do as I say, not as I do!

Working for a manager who expects employees to behave/work in a certian manner, then goes and behaves/works in the completely oppsite manner can be confusing and frustrating.

I believe this can lead to employee discontent and possibly a high turn over.

Have you worked for someone like this? How did you handle it?

I agree that this type of management style is difficult to work for. I have been lucky to have managers that usually set the example of doing the right thing. I, myself, am a manager that leads by example.

I have always found I respect managers so much more when I see them working as hard as their employees. I think leading by example is always a way to clearly set expectations of employees, and a successful way to gain both respect and authority from those you're managing.

I have worked for someone like that and you are correct is saying that it would lead to high turn-over. The good news is generally speaking, your boss will have a boss and that person will start to see the poor behavior. Trying to remain a good and focused employee during this time will be hard, but keeping your best foot forward at all times will only benefit you.

I agree. It is hard to trust managers who do not present a good example for the employees.

I have worked for an organization that was like this. The foundation of the business was based on a principle and that's what was advertised and presented to clients and customers, however, behind the scenes the business was anything but the flowery image it had painted. The company had very high turn over and extremely unsatisfied employees who didn't take pride in their work.

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