Jill Johnson

Jill Johnson

Location: carrington college mesa az

About me

I teach a class in Foudations for Achievement.  The class is the first attended by every certification seeking student in the college.  This class helps the students to adjust to being in a classroom setting and learn to intergrate school into their day to day life.  We clear the cobwebs, oil the gears and get them back in the learning mode.  It is exciting to see how their self confidence improves during the six week class.  Once they have completed my class, they are ready to step into their core classes.


self improvement, scrapbooking and reading


medical billing and coding


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Not exactly sure as to what I'd like to post/discuss on this class. The name of the course is very misleading. Issues on attitude, teamwork and negotiation where not addressed. Yes writing and computer lit are an important part of a career but those fall under hard skills. Professionalism it's self is a soft skill. Soft skills are tricky to teach because they involve making adjustments to students personality and people skills. Issues can be discussed and situations can be practiced. But I believe the best way to teach it is through leading by example. All staff on campus should… >>>

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It is important to be upfront with the students on the first day of class as to what the expectations of them are. I review sections of the student handbook and make sure each student has a copy or the website of the online version. I keep a copy of the student handbook available in the class hallway and in each classroom. A rereview of the dress code is done midway through the class and a quiz on the student handbook is done the last week. As adults the students appreciate knowing what is expected. I have noticed that at… >>>

My students enjoy games as well.  Our text book publishers have websites for the various books.  I utilize the student verisons nearly every class.  They offer a variety of games and almost always flashcards.  Look online for other sources.  I found a jeapordy game which is quite fun and most recently started using an online "poll" for preexam review.  The students enjoyed the "poll".  They were able to answer anonymously and it was fun to watch the results come in.

When I began teaching my current course, I was provided with no more than a couple of books (student editions) and a few power point presentations. On top of that, I am a brand new instructor! After making it through the course the first time, I realized there had to be a better way than what I started with. I dove into finding better ways to make the class more interesting for the students and myself. I gained a better understanding of the material and found some ways to make it not so dull. This research allowed me to create… >>>

Power point presentions are used to deliver the bulk of the information in my course. Since this can be a bit dull (even with a jazzed up presentation). I try to encorporate material provided on the book publishers websites. Do you pull the websites into your instruction?
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I moved from student to graduate of a career college only to return a couple of years later to become an instructor. While the switch from student to instructor was challenging, I felt having recent perspective as a student of the college gave me a better insight as to how to relate to and mesh with the students as their instructor. Has anyone else made the switch from student to instructor at the same college they received instruction from? How did the previous student prespective affect your teaching style?
Working for a manager who expects employees to behave/work in a certian manner, then goes and behaves/works in the completely oppsite manner can be confusing and frustrating. I believe this can lead to employee discontent and possibly a high turn over. Have you worked for someone like this? How did you handle it?

I am a reminder!  I present the students with a written copy of what is expected for the upcoming with and the homework is listed.  When I pass out the sheet, I talk it through with them and put out areas that students before them have questions.  If the sheet has an attachment, I ask them to check then and there to make sure it is attached. 

Experience has taught me that if I do not go through this process, several student will not get it and will be asking questions the morning the work is due.

Also, each day… >>>

Occassionaly a student asks a question during lecture which I'm not only not expecting but am not prepared to answer.  I feel it is OK to admit it if you do not know the answer.  I usually tell the student, that they have brought up an great question or interesting topic to research.  I tell them I'll make a note ( I make sure to go to the podium and write it down right then.  That way they know I took them seriously and will follow through.) and tell them I will research the information and see what I can… >>>

I would like to start providing my students with a quality study guide.  In the past, I have provided them with fill in the blank on the paragraph worksheets with statements taken directly from the textbook.  While it made the students spend a bit more time reading their textbooks, I'm not sure it really helped prepare them for the exam.

Any suggestions???

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