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Resolving team conflicts

Resolving team conflicts really stood out for me.Especially the four steps to resolving conflicts. Applying this concept to a team enviroment for me will help keep peace,bring more order and easy resolutions for my team. The one that will be applied the most for my team is Negotiate a resolution. It is important for teams to come to a common ground and explore new possibilites


You make several good points. You will always get a better response if the ideas free flow from your team. There is a book titled, “You can Negotiate Anything” that I recommend you read if you think that your team would benefit from you having stronger negotiating skills. It is sales based, but the techniques discussed in the book are universal. Good luck!

Dr. Jamie Morley

As a team leader resolving conflicts is a normal part of my job description. I see conflict as an opportunity for growth because when resolved it builds trust and makes me feel secure and enhances my self esteem. The ability to resolve conflicts makes me a better leader because I can control my emotions and behavior can survive challenges and disagreements.

You are exactly correct! However, not everybody is comfortable with conflict. It sounds like you have learned to channel your emotions to get a positive response. It takes a strong manager to be able to allow conflict in a way that does not create hurt feelings or hostility.

Dr. Jamie Morley

I agree. I believe conflict is a way for the team to grow and develop both personally and professionally. As long as the negotiation is managed and is productive, I believe it can definitely enhance the performance of the members of the team.

I fully agree.Control from the team leader is the key. The team should understand that conflict is a healthy tool to use in problem solving and team building. You want to ensure that there is n permanent damage to the team. That's why communication and explanation are so important.

Ron Obstfeld

The information regarding resolving conflicts has been a tremendous help. The first step - diagnosing the cause of the conflict is the easiest. The more difficult part is negotiating a resolution. It is difficult to predict how the meeting will go. Some members may be willing to participate more than others. I have learned to be as "comfortable" as I can, and I do actively listen to all parties. I believe I will be able to encourage the parties to touch on what they have in common, and the importance of what they each positively bring to the table. If I can get the parties to this point, then hopefully they can let go of their grudges, and prevent any resentments.


Good response. I'm glad you found the information useful.

Ron Obstfeld

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