Benefits of Rubrics
I am trying to get my staff to use more rubrics however they think that I am adding paperwork. I hope that they will see the light once they start to use them.
I think once they see the time they will be saving and the consistency in their grading, I hope they see the importance of using rubrics.
Grading that is concise, descriptive, and standarized. Rubrics can improve student's learning by giving some direction on how to plan their answers. Rubrics make it easier for instructors to grade assignments. Rubrics can help us help the student by giving improvement feedbacks. A rubric is a communication tool that tells a student what to expect & how grading is done. A rubric can reduce disagreements between student & instructor by clear expectations of what you expect & how points are awarded.
The key is that rubrics help both the students and instructor. And, as you noted, alleviate disagreements. Important point. Thanks.
I have found that it is less time consuming to grade if I use rubrics. That might be a motivator.
I believe once the staff gets used to creating and using rubrics they will find grading easier and more uniform.
I totally agree. You get in a rhythm of grading and it seems to go more quickly.
Yes, just make sure they match the learning outcomes and are really assessing what you intend them to assess. Review and revise when necessary. Thanks for your input.
I agree with what Aaron and William have shared. Properly crafted rubrics provide transparency for students and reduction of the faculty member's time for assessments. To Hannah's point, I do see how there may be some resistance among some faculty to avoid development of rubrics. Yet, if the true reason for resistance is related to time, demonstrating how rubrics save a faculty member's time due to reduced disputes and time spent grading, faculty will support usage.
Love the word "transparency." That's exactly the correct term.
I agree. Especially in a course like Algebra, grading consistency is clear for the correct answers, BUT, getting there without any errors is difficult for many. We require showing the work to get to the answer.
So when students show their work, that is, show the step by step process they used to solve the problem, THEN I can see whether they understand or whether they just guessed the answer. Partial credit then is possible for an incorrect answer, if the steps leading to that answer are basically correct, but with monor errors. The rubric can help define the correct steps needed, quantify the credit given and thus motivate the student to show their work.
In the process, the student actually learns more, because slowing down to show your work allows the brain to "see" and correct errors that often happen when you try to solve a problem faster without following all the proper steps involved.
I totally understand why you ask them to show their work. The steps must be identified. I have asked students before (who seem to get the wrong answers consistently) - what did you think about when you first saw the equation? Then, what did you think about? Then what did you think about. . .etc. to see how their brain is working and then you can catch the step in which they are going down the wrong path. Hope this is helpful.
I remember when I first started using rubrics, I thought the same thing. However, I quickly realized they really help instructors by creating clearer grading guidelines for the students to follow.
Hi Hannah,
Yes, the creation of rubrics (and the use of them) can seem like more work at first for sure. However, I have come to absolutely love having a tool to make my job easier. In addition, the use of rubrics has saved me a great deal of time with student questions after grading, as students understand the grade better. I hope your staff is finding all of this to be the case! :)
Darcy and Hannah,
Thanks for continuing the conversation about rubrics. I find great benefit from using them myself. Thanks again.
Once we see the strength in any tool and realize how to connect it to the learning outcomes, it becomes hard to live without. Thanks for your input.
At first I was resistant to grading by a rubric created by someone else, but as the quarters go by, I see more and more the benefit of seeing my students work through other lens . I was too myopic in my grading until I had to grade with an external standard. Now the rubrics I create are more varied and contain both universal criteria along with specific, assignment driven elements. I am a believer in using rubrics along with the individual feedback for consistent, fair, and in-depth communication not possible without this framework.
Make sure that the rubrics mad pe by other truly assesses your learning outcomes. Of you can actually include them in the rubrics, the better. Thanks.
Why are the faculty thinking that you are adding paperwork? Is it because additional paper work is being added? Is additional paperwork being added? This is a yes or no question. The answer is an objective answer.
By "seeing the light", are you suggesting that the faculty ignore the additional paperwork? In other words, are the faculty seeing reality, and you are seeing something else? What do you think?
Donald L. Buresh
What is the basis for your belief? Is there objective evidence that would suggest that you are correct? Without objective evidence supporting your position, how can you expect a faculty member to believe you? Belief is not the issue here. Ease of use, and shorter grading times are the real issues. Perhaps a time-motion study would be beneficial here? What do you think?
Donald L. Buresh