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Advantages of Rubrics

What are the advantages of using analytic rubrics?

I think that Rubrics provide the student a better understanding of where the points are being allocated for the assignment.


That is correct, how do you as an educator benefit from using a rubric?

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

Analytic rubrics are used to break assignment grading into separate components. For example, an assignment will have different categories for which points are assigned: Delivery of Requirements, Coding Standards, Coding Documentation, Execution of program (runtime), Efficiency (code elegance). These categories would range from unsatisfactory, satisfactory, good, and excellent, with increasing point values. Using the categories and point values the instructor would grade each student's submission and assignment points per category and then add the total for the assignment grade. The advantage of this method is that the grading has been standardized for the assignment. Student can review the rubric prior to submitting their assignment for better understanding of how their assignment will be graded. It will also speed up grading and feedback for the instructor.

Great answer! Do you create your own rubrics?

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

Hello Dr. Wilkinson; the MAX Knowledge learning series is wonderful. This is my fourth course and plan to take many more.

As we learned in the written lecture Unit 1, the typical advantages of using analytic rubrics revolve around creating a quantifiable/ understandable/implementable (if that's a word) standard; using specific areas of feedback to guide the student toward the learning objectives. It's a fair way to assess student's work. I don't think we as teachers can be absolutely neutral and objective all of the time for every one; therefore the benefit is raised using analytical rubrics. If students preview the analytical rubric and strive to meet expectations, grading criteria lends more objectivity, substance, and a weighted point system to accommplish learning objectives.

I'll extrapolate on the "fairness" principle. I have a personal grading code of ethics.

I limit the papers I grade in one setting. I grade only four; then I take a break, it could be 15 minutes if I am under the gun or it could be 4 hours. We instuctors can become a little bored if assessing the same concepts over and over for hours. Do you agree?


I agree with you. I also think we have to be careful that we are not allowing our students to use their critical thinking skills to solve a problem. Sometimes I think a Rubric limits creativity. That doesn't stop me from using it, I just need to be aware of it.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

Analytic rubrics are structured and well defined. By breaking the assignment down into sections it communicates to the student specific areas in which they did well, and where improvements might be needed. I agree that the rubric can be time consuming during the development phase, but once complete it allows the instructor to provide a consist method for assessment.

I find rubrics highly advantageous. A particular advantage of analytical rubrics is the ability it gives students to analyze separate components of their work.

I did respond to this and strongly feel that rubrics provide a road-map for students to have an understanding of what is required for their project. I always encourage my students to review them and open them prior to submitting any of their assignments. They then know exactly what they have to do in order to receive what is then really up to them...I post each rubric on their paper as well as provide them with track changes for all of their work...


Right on. This is the benefit of rubrics.


The key is that rubrics help students and instructors. Thanks.


Yes. And I put the learning outcomes in the rubrics so that students totally understand how what they are doing connects to the objectives of the course. Nice job.

Analytic rubrics provide a very specific feedback to the students. It allows for the professor to breakdown the assignment into specific parts, and provides a clear understanding of any strengths and/or weaknesses that the student needs to improve upon. This rubric can go as far as break down into categories such as whether the student has provided a solid in-depth discussion, clarity, organization, analysis, grammar, and if they have cited correctly.


Correct. And, incorporating the learning outcomes in the rubric when breaking it down into components helps the students understand why they are doing what they are doing --> To achieve the learning outcomes, to transfer their knowledge to the workplace, etc. Thanks for your input.

I have always used some form of grading rubrics when teaching on line. The rubrics really help to provide consistency in grading from one person to another. It also helps me to provide a clear picture of what I am looking for when grading in addition to providing information to the student as well! Grading rubrics make grading go quicker and makes it easier to assess a student's assignments.


This gives the student a good starting point in the assignment to see exactly what the instructor is looking for. I believe it also makes it easier for the instructor to grade the paper as specific points had to be met to meet the requiremetns of the assignments. In one way I wonder how we could deduct points from a student for not addressing a point an isntructor feels is necxessary. At least with a rubric a student cannot compain about not knowing this is what the instructor wanted. I feel that rubrics can be a help to both instuctors and students.


The connection between the rubrics and learning outcomes is essential. And, they do (as you noted) help both the instructors and students.


When students are provided the rubric with the project/assignment, it helps make the expectations more clear. They can also be encourages/required to do a self- and/or peer-evaluation using the rubric prior to the instructor using the rubric for a final evaluation. Thanks for your input.

They let a student know what to expect from grading, how to organize their answers, and what points are for each topic or question. They help standarize answers & grading by instructors. They do save time and provide good feedback. The rubric acts as a guideline for the student.

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