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Course Evaluations

I find using evaluations that are objective provide an opportunity to teach while you are testing.

What I mean by this is the answer to the question is somewhere within the test. So, students are given an opportunity to perform critical thinking to dismiss the incorrect answers and recall the correct answer while taking the test.

This is tantamount to "teaching while testing".


Interesting way to test and teach. It makes students more aware!

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

This may be incorrect, but from my recall of guidelines for creating objective tests, it is not generally considered to be a good practice to include answers to previous questions in subsequent test questions. Does anyone know about this for sure? Thanks!


You are right, it is not considered good practice. However, I have colleagues that do put answers throughout the exam as the material is that closely related and they are aware of it. They want students to build information on information.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

Esther, I do agree that objective test questions can and usually are found in the material of the text and that it is important for students to learn the material. However, I also think that it is important for students to know how to communicate the information they have learned to others, thus, making the subjective test important too. I have often seen where students know the material, as shown by their test grades, but they can't explain the concepts to others. If we are preparing students for the real world, communication through subjective documents are just as important.
Jean Riese

This process of embedding 'answers' to previous questions does not necessarily help students who don't know the material, either. If the get to questions that remind them a prior answer is incorrect, they lose time going back to correct it. Hence, they may not even complete the exam. What I do think that if an instructor uses this testing technique, it should not be used too often. Students can get used to it and use it to their advantage.


True, if the exam is written correctly. That can be the problem.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

I do agree with what you state per I feel if the student recalls this information, it means that they are paying attention and retaining the information. With that being said, they will be able to remember the information when the situation comes into play.


If that answers your objectives then it is appropriate for your course.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

I find that some students rate poorly if they find themselves struggling or failing a class. I attempt to refocus the student on the process, not necessarily the outcome. One can have a good outcome/result without truly "learning."


You are right and it is very frustrating. The idea of changing focus is a great one. I also find many times students make work harder but not smarter. Addressing that with student can make the successful in learning in your course as well as courses in the future.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson


I believe that it is very important to students to experience different types of assignments and different types of evaluations. Providing students with the opportunity to answer objective test questions such as true/false or multiple-choice questions can help them learn content but it does not provide them with the opportunity to express their knowledge with regard to critical thinking. In the "real world" it is vital that individuals communicate their knowledge as they demonstrate their competency in applications from their lessons and not only in terms of repeating the content.


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