Progressive Diagnostics
My question/statement would be, Is it possible or ethical for that matter to utilize summative assessment data from a prior class as a diagnostic for their next class of the same field?
It sounds like an arborous task because I would assume that you would have to generalize all the data/questions into categories, much like the SAT's results, e.g English, math, etc, since you cannot provide specifics to the next instructor.
We used to do student summaries that we would pass along to the next instructor so they could get a little heads up on students that might need a little more attention in certain areas. My thought is can we utilize technology and the online medium to automate this and make it even more effective?
Yes, it is actually done all of the time. I actually look at students' grades and test questions and rubrics scores to see if I missed areas to cover areas. I will adjust the delivery and or content based on the areas of weakness of previous students. It is important to do that!
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
I find that each student/teacher is different and summative assesment based on previous performance may present a hinderence to the way an instructor delivers their information which just may be the technique needed to advance the learning of the struggling students.
WE all learn and teach differently . With that said,if everyone fails a question, it is importatnt to see if there is a betyter way to ask the question