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How do institutions ensure that the students they enroll are prepared to take an on-line course?

First off, I beleive that campuses need to give their students Orientation courses, meetings, and handbooks including guides. Campuses Also, need to monitor and guide students through their first term with the online course, so students don't get frustrated and quit the course.

I would like to have more feedback on what else will help the student be prepared for online courses.


There are several measures one can take to prepare students to be successful in an online environment:

An introduction to online learning
What it takes to be a successful online learner
An inttoduction to the course delivery platform
A survey to enable students to determine whether online learning is the suitable for them.
A sample lesson
A description of stdent life in the online institution

An entry level test criterion eferenced to the factors that contribute to being successful in an online environment would be a good start. Please refer to my answer to Kevin's question for additional measures one can take to provide students with the knowledge and skills they require to be successful online students. To that list I would like to add:

Available technical support 24/7.

Having students take a sample online class while at student orientation may help prepare students for their online courses. Institutions need to consider the technology and internet connections that students ahve available to them. A survey, similar to teh assessment survey we did for this online class environment may be helpful to determine what a students knows about online classes. A report can be generated that will give the student information in the areas that they lack skills in, and provide them with further resources.

These are all worthwhile recommendations for transitioning students into an online environment. You may want to review the Web sites of the University of Phoenix and Kapella University to observe some of the strategies they have adopted.

Capella Univerity has been a leader in online education from what I have heard. I will definately look into this. I think that sometimes we assume that all students are computer literate and have ample internet access. This may simply not be the case.

An very good question. Perhaps entering students should not take online courses since they can be too distractable and may not know how to study. I would suggest it should be self-selective; a person should not be forced to take such courses (that has not worked at my school), and probably there should be a limit in how many he or she can take, at least at first.

Maybe starting with a simple class, like this one, would be the way to ease into it. Have a course like "introduction to online learning" rather than throw people into a full college class without preparation.

For the reasons you have cited, it is very important for an online learning institution to conduct a well focused entry skill assessment.

Your suggestions are well taken if the option to take either form of instruction is available at an institution. Definitely, students will benefit from an Introduction to Online Learning covering such topics as what it takes to be a successful online student, features and functionality of the Course delivery Platform etc.

I feel that the students should receive an information packet that describes the course in detail. They should also have access to on-line support staff.

I assume that it will be standard practice for Institutions of Learning to provide these packages, as they would do for on-the-ground courses.

Providing students with course books or other online material. Having a check list or better a tech person to contact students for setup help.

Mosy of the institutions with which I work dispatch what they refer to as a "course pack" with the xpectation that students will receive them at least two weeks in advance. They have Student Services personnel doing follow-ups with students to ensure that they received the course materials.

In regards to receiving Technical Support, that information is usually included in the Syllabus, and repeated on each screen by providing a link to the means of gaining access to the Technical Support staff.

Student mentor contact is critical to this process

Please help me to evaluate your contribution to this Discussion forum by defining what you mena by "Mentor".

Is the Mentor the Instructor, a Teaching Assistant, a member of the Institution's Student Services body etc?

Mentor to me means anyone you look up to or strive to be. There is some quality in that person which you admire. A mentor is someone you can learn from. I think all teachers should strive to be mentors for their students.

Thank you for the explanation, Charleen. I'd like to add that to complete the equation, teachers must exhibit the right kinds of behaviour to encourage students to adopt them as mentors. Question for You.

What are some qualities teachers should possess to qualify to be mentors?

1. Having a solid in his/her fields of study
2. Ability to handle stressful or difficult situation
3. Project a caring attitude
4. Feed the students - vs feeding off of them
5. Be alert to teaching moments
6. Be willing to adjust teaching techniques
7. Keep a learning spirit - especially if a student has a "teaching" moment

An excellent list of qualities, Robert.

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