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Course Syllabus

The syllabus is typically your students’ first real introduction to your course, greeting them with the
pertinent details regarding what to expect from the course, and what the course might expect from
them. It can set the tone for the entire semester,therefore, if you create a poor syllabus who will it impact your course?

Exactly! The students need to know where to find information about the course, the syllabus is the perfect place to place all expectations.

Shelly Crider

The syllabus could be considered a road map for the learners to know where they will be going throughout that course. If a poor syllabus is created, the learners couldn't follow or even know what to expect from that course. How could they even prepare themselves for assignments and the due dates for those assignments. A poor created syllabus will do nothing but result in poor results from the learners.

We all need a good road map!!

Shelly Crider

Yes it serves as a roadmap for the course and provides and overview of the material the course will cover in the sequence presented in the syllabus.

A roadcourse is needed to get through the course. This will help explain what and when.

Shelly Crider

One thing that really drives me nuts is "texting'. I hate it! I make sure that on every syllabus and at the top of every dBaord I post a special note stating what will happen to the grade if this style of 'communication' is used. My policy is STRICT!

What ever you policy is.....stick by it!

Shelly Crider

A poorly developed syllabus will impact both the teacher and students. It impacts the teacher due to not having a well thought out plan for the class with assignments and day-to-day content. Its confusing for students because they will question the direction of the class if they are unable to know what to expect for each class.

I agree!!! have warned and reduced grades because of texting language or Emjoi use. Definitely not appropriate for assignment submissions

Good point. The confusion will simply lead to more confusion. We have to have a detailed syllabus.

Shelly Crider

Maybe we should respond in morse code a few times to see if students understand!

Shelly Crider

at times that or another language!!!

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