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Of the 5 Questions for discussion development, I feel relevance is most important to adult learners. From teaching primarily adults, wasting their time with fluff is not received well.

As an online and ground learner I agree. I had several professors who enjoyed fluff and talked in great detail about themselves and their accomplishments. The on line professors would write long winded essays for us to enjoy each week citing their honorable deeds. Although I did appreciate their accomplishments the relevance of it all was not always present.

I agree that relevance is important. However, I will make an argument that a variety of courses outside of the chosen degree is also relevant to being a well-rounded individual. There are so many avenues and roles in life...we do not simply play the role of being an employee. Learning a variety of topics allows us to be open-minded. Critically thinking about any topic is beneficial and helps individuals to think outside of the box. So, with that being said, learning about anything is not a waste of time in my opinion. Lifelong learning consists of more than simply studying one topic in school.
Teaching psychology, some students complain that it is not applicable or relevant to their careers in business, etc. Understanding the mind and behaviors of individuals is relevant and applicable to any career field. Effectively communicating or understanding the relevance is sometimes a challenge.

Relevance is important, and as stated previously, that relevance may not always be apparent to students.
I have found with most courses I have taught, there is almost always a way to tie it in to the chosen degree and make it relevant. Sometimes however, it may be a reach. In those cases I revert to the, "Knowledge is Power" idiom.

Great point Karen!

Not only do questions have to be relevant-- the instructor or facilitators history must be relevant to the course material to be delivered. This helps student learners build confidence in the instructor and promotes a relaxed learning atmosphere

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