Course structure
I agree the course structure, syllabus,information sheet needs to be as complete, as interesting. as exciting as possible. The more I can promote the excitment the more participation I can get. We all know that things flow, questions get asked, with the more participents we get. There isn't much laps time with a full class.
Correct, it does need to be well coordinated & "orchestrated".
Hi Cecil,
I completely agree with you! I try to be as animated as I possibly can in the virtual classroom - and then connect with each student at some point on a personal level as well.
The atmosphere of the classroom can be "made" or not as well depending on the attitude of the strongest personality in the classroom and how they also post in discussion and participate in chat...
I do find that if I set the "bar" for expectations and reward with excitement and enthusiasm the responses that are appropriate and stimulating, it assists in the overall flow.
These are great points - your enthusiasm definitely shows through in your classes.