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learning styles

how can i make a game to bring out their learning styles

If you create a game with them saying, doing and touching or moving around, you have hit all 3 major styles at the same time.

I have had my students view the movie Lorenzo's Oil and while watching the video, write down as many medical terminology words they heard or saw throughout the movie and we reviewed at the end. And for the top 3 students with the most medical terminology words written down picked a small prize. I feel all learning styles are met.

What an excellent way to engage learners who were raised on media! Making the lessons relevant to your learners in his way is a terrific idea.

I agree, somewhere in the class period all learning styles should ideally be hit. Then it is varying the games so as to be unpredictable. I have a 10-week condensed quarter to teach 12 weeks of material so the pressure is on from the start! I need all the tips I can get. Some feel like a good fit and others do not. I won't use something that I am not confident in the first time teaching a class.

It is always best to choose activities that fit, which is why I included a variety of them in the course, so it could be a buffet to choose from. I hope you found at least one you might try. Good luck!

I will make games that are appropriate for each learning style that is within my class. Medical Terminology is so important for the student to learn and understand that as an instructor it is my job to use techniques to reinforce learning. I gain quite a few examples from this module to use in class.

Glad it helped.

For my students who are quiet they can be the score keepers,or I do activites with a spokes person, someones some people dont do well with grouping together,but they can speak for the group.I try to involve activites where they may have to talk ,but not excessively.

Picking a group leader who acts as spokesperson is key to accomplishing goals when using group work. Good strategy"

I think getting input and buy-in from the students is a good method to enhance teaching. With this in mind, I suggest discussing with the students what game they would be interested in playing. Maybe they can create a game. If it's not a creative group, the teacher may give them options on what kinds of games they would be interested in.

Carole, giving them a choice is always a good idea. Having them create the game can offer another review for them.

I like this idea. We could use other movies as well, or an assignment could be to write a short episode of "House" or some other popular TV show.

That is a great idea! I do that to challenge myself during greys anatomy. :)
Osmosis Jones is fun and light hearted.

Television is a great equalizer and common thread between and among learners. Using the best part of it to teach is a great idea, Jennifer.

Just keep in mind that not everyone is going to like or appreciate your game, but those that will are the kinectic learners, hands on, visual learners.

This sounds like a great idea, I'm sure their are other movies that this would for as well. Now did you sit and watch the movie first and write down as many words that you could before doing this with the class? Just curious.

when doing introductions in my class, I simply ask them what kind of learner they are or they think they are. Usually they are pretty open to discussion.

Maria, it's amazing that many instructors don't ask this question. I applaud that you do, keep up the good work!

I have students who are not "so young" and are a little bit shy or embarassed (maybe even antagonistic to this lively and rather "new school" approach of teaching). They are still stuck I guess to learning by pure memorization, reinforced through mere repetition. Any suggestions?

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