Nurf ball game
I use the nurf ball in my class to get all students engaged in the activities. I have seen success coming out of the students who put full effort in participating.
Jayson, using the burg ball is a low risk, but highly engaging teaching method.
Michele Deck
I really like this idea. I have done something similar where I will toss a small stuffed animal.
We do the ball toss game sometime too (use yarn balls). Because I usually have an all female class they will give me the "I don't know how to play ball" answer - then end up getting really eager to play. The competitive nature they display sometimes amazes me. We usually end up dissolving into fits of giggles as a ball will often zip by soemone's head and bounce off a computer. I especially like that you have to say the person's name before you toss the ball - makes them recognize someone they may not know very well and also makes the recipient be awake. Nothing like a ball of yarn bouncing off your nose to wake you up at 7:30 in the morning. Better than Starbucks.
Kathaleen, it is better than Starbucks, and probably a healthier practice in the long term. Thank you for sharing your experience.
Michele Deck
These are great ideas, I am so excited about trying them out with my new MA students. I think this will be a great success.
Traci, thank your for your positive words and attitudes. I appreciate them!
Michele Deck
I agree, Traci. I know that learning medical terminology at the end of our regular work day is a daunting task. This makes it so much more engaging and fun.
I think this will be a fun way to get my pharmacy students to quiz themselves on their medications. Going to give it a try.