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Jeopardy Game

We actually use a jeopardy style to review. Every year our association has a student competition at the state level and then again at the national level (Respiratory Care) and they use jeopardy type questions. we like to do that in class as well, to get them ready!

Tracy, I love that there are different levels of competition. Most adults love Jeopardy and are familiar with its format.

Michele Deck

I agree that's it great because multiple levels & skills as students can participate allowing more engagement / involvement.

Sophia, this is a universally understood activity/game that appeals to adult learners on many levels.

Michele Deck

I have used jeapoardy to review in the past, and found it to be very helpful. Mainly because the students find it very easy to relate to because of their past familiarity ~ now adding medical terms they become very excited to play.

Karen, When did any of the students think medical terms were fun? Only when you introduce and reinforce them with Jeopardy and other interactive activities as you have stated. Bravo!

Michele Deck

For most students medical terms are scary and sometimes boring, however when jeapardy is used to familiarize, along with building medical words using prefixes, suffixes and root words, this will usally spark a little more intrest because now they are accomplishing learning through a fun activity. And before they relaize their vocabulary has expanded.

Karen, it is cool when students engage in a learning activity that is so fun they forget they are learning. I try to do this at least once every class.

Michele Deck

I have used Jeopardy in the past, but now I cannot find a NICE program to use? Any ideas where to dowload it?

Tamara, google, jeopardy k-12. This gives you sources teachers have created.

Michele Deck

I've used many different review games and activities with the students in this class. Jeopardy and family feud seem to be their favorites. However, my students really liked old fashion spelling bees and Pictionary to help connect the words to their spelling and images in order to make the connections.

Melissa, you are smart to focus on thosse activities that your learners like and enjoy.

Michele Deck

I have been using jeopardy for a while too now to review with my students. They absolutely love it an dlook foward to it.

I love the jeopardy game reviews. I just finished a term with a jeopardy game for a review for their final, and I saw their test scores increase from the prior tests. I beleive in this type of class activity.

Johan, I'm glad you are having success with Jeopardy. I hope you find some new activities in this course you can implement .

Michele Deck

I really like the Jeopardy idea! I'm a huge fan of the game show myself and I think that this would be a great way to review. Thanks for the idea!

I play a jeopary style review game. However, the students are not competing with eachother. Each student answers every question on a dry erase board. They earn "dollars" and on the day of the exam they can use those dollars to "buy" the answer to up to three questions on the exam. With this incentive, I find my students study thouroughly for the review and often surprise themselves with how much information they know.

Theresa, I like this adaptation and individualizations of the jeopardy format. I can see by your description that it is successful.

Michele Deck

I have a wonderful game using Jeopardy for Cardiovasular and Nervous System. The student are set up in 4-5 groups. I even have double points under some of the boxes for the harder questions. They have 1 minute to answer the question as a group, then I give the next team the opportunity to answer the question. They love the competitiveness of the game. The Dean has also used my template to create a question and answer game for Constitution Day.

Tammy, the best complement is that the Dean has adapted your idea. Keep up the good work!

Michele Deck

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