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Secret Identity

I plan to implement this game when I teach Medical Terminology. I like it because it will allow my students to move about the room and meet other students while using their Med Term skills at the same time. I like it also because I can make the cards ahead of time and use them throughout class to break up class period. Get them up and out of their seats, moving. Plus, it doesn't have to take tons of time to play.

Ann, I like this idea because it can be done in a short time, I agree.

I like this exercise for Med Term. It gets students on their feet, moving, and is also good in helping them learn classmates names. I have very large classes of 30 - 50 students. Day classes meet for 75 minutes three times a week and night classes meet for 4 1/2 hours once a week. It may very well take an entire 30 minutes to conduct this exercise in classes as large as mine.

I have used this technique but they had to make the flashcards in groups. Then after the cards were made we taped them to the students backs and no one could take break until they all had identified the cards they had on their back. Even students who thought it was a boring idea at the beginning had a lot of fun with the activity. This is definitely one I will use in my future classes, and it was nice to hear all of the other feedback from everyone else on this activity.

I'm glad you had positive results with this. It is best to adapt any new idea to your learners' likes and dislikes.

Actually Judy, it takes the same amount of time in large or small classes if in large classes you first put students in teams of 6 and have them work with their team mates in this way. Give them 2 minutes to use closed questions to find their identity( few do) and then 5 minutes to use open ended questions to find their identity ( most to all will), so at most I give this activity 10 minutes. I have used it in a group of 600 and had it only last 10 minutes total.

I plan to use this as well. I do not have enough room to use some of the others, and I do not like ones that put students "on the spot" and could cause embarrassment. This activity allows them all to be doing something at the same time, so no one has to answer in front of the class and risk embarrassment.

I think I will try this with my next class

Glad to hear you like this idea.

Secret Identity is a great Ice breaker game. It gets the students up, talking and moving around the room out of their comfort zones.

It can teach and reinforce class content in peer language.

I'm definitely going to use this game for my students. We can use it with our medical terminology. This will be a great way for the students to have teamwork also. Teamwork is something I'm always pushing my students on because it's so crutial to the medical field.

I agree that teamwork is something that can and should be modeled and taught.

I agree Ann secret identity sounds great for students and probably just as fun for the instructor to watch, looking forward to all the creativity from my students.

I got to participate in this game when you taught a seminar to the faculty. I took this concept back and used it in my classroom and it worked very well. It got everyone up and moving and it prevented boredom from setting in. Now my student look forward to class anticipating another game.
Thanks for your creativity.

I am so glad you got to experience me modeling an activity you could use. I encourage you to create and use more activities in your classes.

you can use this for all kinds of courses if you have the time to create

I have been trying to figure out the best way to handle teaching the Male Reproductive System. I'm excited to try this game, hey, if its going to be a little embarrasing, we might as well go all out and get it over with! I am so thankful for all of these great ideas!

Leigh, if you make it a safe learning environment, all topics can be discussed that students must learn.

Michele Deck

Has anyone actually used this one? An instructor that I know used it and the students disliked it. I wonder if it wasn't introduced correctly or perhaps it ran too long without instructor feedback. It seems good but I want to make sure I don't have the same reaction from my students.

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