Ann Sorma

Ann Sorma

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Another cool idea is AFTER they have studied but have trouble remembering certain words. They should cut the flashcard of the word they are having difficulty with into a DIFFERENT SHAPE (instead of leaving it a square/rectangle shape). For example, when a student cannot remember -ia or confuse it with the 2 letter pertaining to suffix's I tell the student to cut the -ia flashcard into a circle. Remembering the shape really helps to trigger the memory for a test or quiz.
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I am human and am bound at some point to make mistakes. When I do so, I admit my mistakes and move on. By doing so it is another way to show the students that I am a normal person. It also shows that I am not perfect and neither is any doctor, nurse or person for that matter. I don't expect my students to be perfect. I expect them to do their very best and understand the information we go over in class. To understand it doesn't mean and A or being perfect.
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I am very firm when explaining my cheating policy on day one of class. I tell them that this explanation will be their 1 and only warning. If I see or suspect cheating, I will say nothing. I will walk over and politely take their test/quiz. If that happens they know why and they know their grade will be a zero. I tell them that we will NOT discuss the issue. I will not monopolize the classes time to discuss it. The rule is the rule and they need not even go to administration. I do explain though that as… >>>

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I liked the idea of deducting 20% each day an assignment is late. Although I would probably deduct only 10% I feel this is fair to all in the class. Those who complete an assignment on time get the credit yet those who hand it in late still get some points but get the penalty for handing it in late. It also shows that the instructor gives everyone a chance to succeed yet it's up to the student to do their part in contributing to their education. I will definitely start implementing this idea.
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I found the fact that adults have an attention span of 15-18 minutes to be very interesting. I think I would enjoy breaking my lectures up into 20 minute sections. Maybe doing a question/answer section every 20 minutes or throwing an activity in there every 20 min. I think this will greatly help especially when you are teaching a class that is 4 hours long.
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I find it very difficult to fit in introductions on day one especially with the amount lecture and chapters that need to be covered. I tend to cover the syllabus, go over rules, etc. then jump right into lecture. I will try to set aside more time on day one to implement some "get to know you" time.
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I really liked the suggestion to keep a notebook handy to write down any questions and/or tasks I need to answer/do so that I am sure to remain on task. I will have to start doing this. With teaching well over 100 students it is hard to remember who needs what.
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I find it VERY important to continue to work in the field as well as teach. I am better able to share experiences with the students, keep myself up to date on techniques and changes in the medical field and am able to better explain the importance of education to my students. I am more comfortable with subject material and have more confidence as an instructor. I don't just talk the talk, I walk the walk.

I liked that I was given several examples of games to play and incorporate into my class. It will be interesting and fun to just randomly stop lecture and play a quick game. I can totally see where they would remember the info better and have more fun with a class doing that. I am excited to start implementing them.

I am just concerned with students having to play a game who have not studied or put forth effort in the class and/or not mentioned to you that they are having a hard time understanding the info. Wouldn't having this… >>>

I think using a visual method greatly helps students when studying, especially in med term. I suggest my students color code their flashcards so that when taking a test or a quiz. They'll remember the color of the word on their flashcard which then helps to trigger the definition of it. Works for some yet not for others. I explain this to the students. I encourage them to try it.

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