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Medical Terminology team competition

Before a quiz I like to divide the class into 2 teams. I then have the students go up against each other and writing on the board. I ask a question such as "what is the abbreviation for", who ever wrties the answer the quickest gets the point. Students seem to enjoy it alot and quiz scores are excellent. I would recommend playing this game. Students are very involved since it is a competition.

I play a very similar game with students. The learn alot from the competition. They get very emotioanlly involved and I have a great time learning from each other

I remember doing an activity like this when I was in grade school. I really enjoyed it and it definitely helped me with spelling. I think I will definitely use this in one of my classes. Great idea! Thank you.

Emotional involvement is the key.

One of the CD's in the Medical Terminology textbooks have great games such as jeopardy. i divide the students into teams and they compete against each other. They love it!

It is a great strategy to use the tools that come with the textbook. Keep up he good work!

I have my students play Team Word Feud. I give them 15 seconds to discuss before answering. There is a lot of laughter and, by the high test scores, a lot of learning.

Karmie, I am glad you are seeing a difference in test scores. Thanks for sharing!

I like this idea!! In my class each student has a white board, colored expo markers, and a black sock. They use these tools to answer, "what is the abbreviation for", and then I award small prizes such as small items at wal-mart (hand lotion, pad and pen set, etc.).

I'm assuming the black sock is the eraser, right?

It's amazing how much students retain from playing against each other. students who struggle in memorizing terms, once grouped into teams and compete against with one another, seem to remember much more and actual see and hear the correct answers and it sticks!

This happens because of the low anxiety, yet motivating environment.

How do you play Team Word Feud?

The games provided with the textbook are fun to do in class and I also encourage students to use them to study for tests if that is more effective for them.

Maureen, since it is a textbook resource, you can feel condifent in recommending it as a study option.

Cynthia, I also do the same thing. Depending on the size of the class, I either split them into teams and have them have a runner that will write all the answers on the board. I tell them it has to be correct, all the way down to the spelling. If it is a small group, I provide construction paper and sharpies and have them jot it down and when they have the correct answer to show me. They have fun with it and it helps them do well on their quiz.

I see from your description that your students learn what they need to know from this strategy.

This is a great idea, we usually play jeopardy in the class at least once a mod, but i love the idea of doing this before a quiz and having them write on the board. Writing things out makes people learn so much better in my opinion.

Brooke, this I'd a nice adaptation to the way you are currently conducting Jeopardy. I know you will find success with it.

Michele Deck

I also use the Jeopardy game when teaching OB/GYN to my students. They enjoy the time, competition and find it a fun way to learn......especially if there is a prize!

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