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Creative teaching

I am so excited about this course. I will adapt and use many of these strategies in my clinical setting. I am so motivated to use some of these great ideas. Sometimes I struggle to come up with new ideas, this will be a great help. Thanks

Thanks for our kind words, Laurel.

There are so many advantages in using these visual aids in teaching students to remember clinical processes.

I agree completely.

I found a site that sells jell-o molds shaped like the brain, I will be using these in my class from now on!

by using and incorporating creative thinking into our lessons plans students with all typs of learning abilites will be able to retain the taught lesson and apply it when needed in the work field.

Yes, personalizing the message helps students to relate to it.

Using visual aids helps the students to remember not only clinical processes, but also their didactic as well.

Sonja, using visual method works in both these areas.

Michele Deck

I agree on these creative tasks you suggest. There are often times the students find themselves twiddling their thumbs when the instructor is busy with another student. The Bingo card is a great stategy to keep them moving and interested. I will definitely use this! Thanks

Georgia, I like involving students at all moments in class because there is so much content to be learned.

Michele Deck

I really loved the idea presented in this section. I especially loved the shower cap and brain anatomy and the spaghetti to simulate the muscles. When I taught that in A & P this would of been helpful especially since our text is more of a nursing text than MA.

Catherine, keeping the content as simple and involving makes it most memorable to your learners.

Michele Deck

the bingo card will come in very hand in the lab as I continue to work with a larger group of students, the others can practice skills on each other for peer feedback and to try and blackout their cards. The competition could help with student to student accountability as well

Kelly, yes it can create accountability and collaboration.

Michele Deck

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