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Scavenger Hunt

Scavenger Hunt is a great game for learning where items are located.

I also have used scavenger hunts for finding the right equipment for specific tests that are going to be performed that day.

I do a scavenger hunt with each new clinical start. It is a fun way to orientate them to the department.

I agree scavenger hunt is great when trying to orientat students to the unit.

Alison, scavenger hunts not only make people feel comfortable in their environment, but makes them feel part of the facility.

I love the scavenger hunt and have been using this for the last several months. I teaches the students about the instruments and also where things are in the lab.

In our facility, we use a scavenger hunt at the start of every new term. Along with "things" that the students need to be able to identify we've included places and people as well. Things like.... the financial aid office, the director of education, the program director, etc. We require that the students get the signature of, or a picture of these places/people. It helps them to remember where to go when they need help or support.

I like the idea of having students take a picture of each person or place. This is easy with camera phones now.

We use scavenger hunt for new graduate nurses not only to orient them with the facility but also to have them find certain policies. A scenario will be given and new graduate nurse is to find answers to questions that would be based on policies i.e. what to do when there is a suspected transfussion reaction, new admission with questionable infectious deisease. This fascilitate duscussion with the preceptor a as well aget the new nurse aclimated withe navigating our electronic system.

I love the information hunt added to the traditional scavenger hunt! Thanks so much for sharing your adaptation.

I use 'Scavenger Hunts' to help my students locate and understand chemistry/products which is the foundation of being a sucessful cosmetologist.

Dorothea, I'm glad you can use these in your cosmetology classes.

Michele Deck

Hi..I love the scavenger hunt. I do it every time I get a new group of clinical students. They love it and tend to remember longer when they have to initially look for everything. I also have them locate certain people such as the charge nurse, the director of nursing, the social service department and on and on..they must have that person sign their sheet and ask them a few questions about their role in the Nursing Home setting.

Cynthia, this is a wonderful public relations/building relationships with facilities idea as well as a learning strategy. Great idea!

Michele Deck

I use the scavenger hunt in the clinical area to orientate and familiarize the students to the unit we will be working in. They will locate the different areas or items such as the nursing station and charts, nutrition room and ice and water machine, Clean supplies and soiled/biohazardous room for dirty linen and trash, etc.

I teach dental assisting and do this with my new students when they are first learning the names of equipment in the opertories. I label them with a number and the students have to write down what each item is. Its fun and it gets them out of the classroom and into the lab.

Love the idea. I think as the lab and supply manager, I will try this idea with the faculty for our skills lab.

Philip, I'm glad this one is useful to you. I know you will see success when you incorporate it into your skills lab.

Michele Deck

I do an internet "scavenger hunt" with my students to see who can find the lowest replacement cost for each individual tool and piece of equipment we will be using. This is great for tool and equipment identification.
Plus, they get the shock value of seing how expensive everything is!

Timothy, I'm sure this also creates fiscal responsibility when they get into the real world.

Michele Deck

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