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The acquisition of learning strategies is particularly important for your ELL students, because they’re likely to already have a lot of natural abilities in their own native laguage which they can draw from. The goal will be to have them improve these same abilities in English.

Employing effective teaching strategies to ensure learner success is the name of the game, especially when a student is learning  a skill AND a second language.

ELL students can be highly intelligent, but may not appear so just because English is not their first language, so don't make assumptions about intelligence level and don't simplify instructions, challenge these students and set high standards.


I learned that a teacher can positively grow his or her ELL students by providing reading, metacognitive, and social/emotional strategies. I think that one of the biggest take-aways is to make sure that teachers are treating their students as the age they are, and not treating them like babies. Just because they do not comprehend and understand all of the English, does not mean  that they are not educated and capable to learn.

Students should be made to feel comfortable when taking risk to learn English 

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