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'Fine Line' Facebook & students

We asked to not become friends with our students on Facebook because it is unprofessional. I see the advantage and disadvantages.

Advantage?: i look more professional and unobtainable.

Disadvantage: I want the students to know I'm a real person, that I do the same 'work' they will eventually find jobs for, and can help them succeed if connected to them.

I believe that facebook is a great tool for businesses or wanting to share info between students. I do not think there should be a connection with faculty and students. It is not professional. when you are trying to maintain a presence that sometimes requires a strict setting, it will be hard if students know what you do in your personal life if it is not the most professional work thing. However, creating a group where students in the same learning module can share info, then I think that is great.

yes, this is definitely a sticky subject & a fine line. At my institution we are actually encouraged to be friends with students on Facebook, each situation is unique.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

i think that facebook is not a professional networking source , because students tend to take things out of control and thats when they start to get comfortable and feel that your not their teacher and they start lookin at you on a friend level, so i dont think facebook is a good idea.

There are further disadvantages to not becoming friends with students. Often, at least in my industry, students become a part of the animation/game design community and I'm the first step in finding contacts. I become their contact, they can reach out to my contacts, and so on.

Facebook connections with students should follow the policy and procedure with the workplace. There should be no grey/gray area to question.

I agree & if your employer allows & encourages this, it is definitely something to consider based on your own comfort level. We would never suggest you do anything in violation of your comfort nor against your employer's policies.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

We generally wait until our students graduate to make Facebook friends and LinkedIn connections. After graduation, the relationship need not be restricted by teacher/student balances. Another advantage to waiting until after graduation is more time to know what kind of public profile your former student will be projecting and whether you want to make your association widely known.

I prefer to be friends with students on Facebook. Employers are looking to Facebook to obtain information about perspective employees and if I can help monitor and advise students during their college days, I may be able to prevent a student from not getting a job due to online activity.

I like your thoughtful response. I also liked the suggestion in the course to set up a separate facebook for use with students.

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