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Excellent observation, I agree many students will hide in a group. I often change the speaker responsibility so each person has a chance to speak for the group. You can also give each student a different responsibility in the group so that it will increase the participation within the group.

Arlene Muller

I'm an English teacher and I've found the single most important factor in creating a successful learning environment for my ELL learners is to make myself as available to them as my schedule allows--I build individual conferences into my class schedule, hold lots of office hours and encourage email. Lots of one on one attention is really key to their learning process.

--Kate O'Brien

Oh, agree so much with your philosophy! Personal time is the most important ingredient, however, personal time is enriched with the quality of time. It seems you have been able to blend both ingredients in your schedule. BRAVO!

Arlene Muller

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