Kathleen O

Kathleen O'Brien

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It's important to remember that there are finanical and access barriers to getting accomodations too--students have to get testing, go see doctors, etc. It may not be a "refusal," esp. if a student had a LD, or something like executive dysfunction, or do not have money, or health insurance, they may not be *able* to get the documentation. Perhaps they need help from Disability Services, or a social worker. 

Exactly--as a person with disabilities, I can tell you that many of us do not disclose, because we have had terrible expereinces with discrimination.

Well, they are choosing to take these classes, yes? I've often found motivated adult learners are much better at managing their time and value their educations more highly than younger, less expereinced students.

I make it very clear in my syllabus what times I am available, when I am not and what kind of response time they may expect from me. An old trick of mine is also having a quiz on the syllabus as their very assignment--you could include that as one of the questions.

Use both, definitely but I suggest keeping PPs to a minimum!

Also, it can be used in ice breakers--short clips from culinary shoes or movies, etc.

I use Youtube to show short videos--under five minutes or less. I'm an English teacher, so things like Schoolhouse Rock's Grammar Rock, etc. I see no problem there.

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I know my students use Facebook groups amongst themselves but I'd hesitate to use it myself, esp. when there's an academic online platform already available to me.



That may have been the case in 2012, but research in 2015 indicates the opposite, actually.

We all understand that technology has had a huge impact on Gen Y's learning style. What are the other factors that lead to some of the more difficult generational differences and what are the sources? I believe understanding Gen Y's development is key to teaching them effectively.

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