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Teaching students to write

Since they quit teaching cursive writing in the schools,most of our younger students can not even print legibly. Writing is something imperitive for our students, they must make notes on repair orders legibly,they must sign off repair orders and they should take notes when trying to diagnose complicated repairs. Not being able to print or write legibly is an insurmountable problem in a technical field.
We now have to do basic english and math skills as a part of normal class work.We teach and grade them on their paper work as well as technical prowess. They must be able to generate a legible, gramatically correct repair order,to begin a technical task.This repair order must pass the Instructers requirements and if not they must do it over until it does.I am now getting students that have graduated from high school that are fuctionally illerate, they barely read, cannot use a ruler, and cannot read an analog wall or time clock, couple this with not being able to write or print and we are now faced with a much more demanding set of tasks

I share similar traits in my younger students, also. In all of my classes I give quizzes and tests which much be completed in complete sentences. I never offer True/False or fill in the blank quizzes.Students who have trouble writing are encouraged to work with tutors on our campus. I strongly feel that our school systems need to address this matter on a national level and advocate strong language skills in our young people.

I commend you both for the foundation work that you are doing with incoming students. I have too observed a decline in the writing skills. One mode I have used to circumvent the issue is to have them write about actual events in their life...I teach a sociology class so this is practical. With these assignemnts, I can praise them on their information, and dually correct their punctuation. I agree that the foundation of education is not constructed on the same blocks as it was in the past, but with some good engineering we can help the students build a future.

True/False questions really bother me as they can be tricky and how do you know for sure a student knew the answer as opposed to simply guessed.

Shelly Crider

Ahhhh students do tend to write more about themselves/or personal experience than something they must research. Starting there is a great way to build up whatever they are lacking in.

Shelly Crider

It is frustrating the elementary curriculum. Makes me wonder what the younger generation will teach to their children!

Shelly Crider

The institution I teach at doesn't require any writing throughout the school.

That is strange. Even knowing correct email etiquette is good.

Shelly Crider

I too have students who have terrible penmanship and cant spell. Sometimes they cant even read there own hand writing. Know I am noticing them speaking the same way the type a text and it sounds like a different language. It really is concerning when you think that these people will be running companies someday.

There are some schools who do not even teach writing any longer! I am speaking of elementary schools!

Shelly Crider

I agree, not much time spent in school that required neet hand writing. I almost have to tell my students when to take notes, well about 90% of them. The re-wording of some questions could produce a better learning enviorment, and the students could open up more.

This stems all the way back to elementary school where hand writing has taken a back seat.

Shelly Crider

I agree with Mr. Shaul. Students are not only writing ilegible, they cant fill out a repair order as well! Communication is needed in any industry!

This is a frustration that we run into through out our school. Our students are given basically all the notes and copy of power point used in class. This I feel promotes the idea of not having to interpret any information for themselves or the learning that comes from simply having to write the information down. For my students I start my class by telling them I expect them to be taking notes during lecture and demos along with the provided information because every thing we talk about is testable information.

I like it! Taking notes is a must! So many employers will expect you to take notes.

Shelly Crider

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