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Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic

I was just curious and would like to see feedback on what other instructors have experienced in their class rooms, or in the work place on which (intrinsic or extrinsic) factor "creates" a more successful experience?
Perhaps it's a point of view.

Jimmie, not sure what you are asking here. Can you ask it in another way so we can better understand? Thanks.

James Jackson

Does one motivation factor create a more "successful" student, a more successful person?

I think that both intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors should be used - like the course mentions, the extrinsic motivators can lead to more intrinsic motivation. I had a student who is really quiet, was just barely "making it", was given some extra attention, praise, "pats on the back", which seems to have sparked more motivation to study and participate more on his own, or intrinsically. It is a joy to watch him grow!

Katrina, another way to understand intrinsic versus extrinsic is the intrinsic is what comes through when you are not focused on anything specific and tends to be how students perceive you as a person. The extrinsic can sometimes be seen as a mask or shell you place over yourself and if you are not genuine in your passion for your subject matter and your students you may find your students not buying into your curriculum or your learning objectives. Best to always remember to be genuine and relax when presenting materials to your students.

James Jackson

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