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Professional Memberships

One effective practice we like to use is encouraging our students to join the local chapter of professional chefs as a student culinarian. Attending the monthly meetings helps them to network. Thinking of themselves as already being professionally affiliated is a boost to self esteem and often gets them involved in professional activities, whether it be fundraising, chairity volunteerism, oreducational/competitive.This helps them focus their goals and enables them to see themselves as a member in the field already.

Networking is key to career development. Professional memberships are a great way to engage in this activity.

Hi Kristin,
This is such a key part of the future career success of our students. They need to understand how they need to create networks before they need them, so they are there when needed.

I could not agree with you more chef.
Club affiliations build respect,team play, and above all professional discipline.
Ultimately "You set your own standards".

I have to agree.

Getting involved in the professional community in which you will be working and volunteering within that organization has to enrich them as students and increase their value as employees.

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