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personal attention

when I see a student falling behind, or if having a hard time, with the suject they working on, I gave them my personal attention by helping them with there suject,I give some more sample to practice with.and let them know they will catch up

I like the one on one method but I also found that if you have a few that have the same difficulties the feel better in a group session

Hi Valerie,
You are hitting on a key point and that is instructional support for students. It is easy to start feeling that you are lost out in space as a online student. By offering not only instructional support but tutorial help as well. This additional "human" touch will help those that are on the "bubble" of dropping out.
Good strategy.

In addition to our on ground programs, we offer online instruction as well. One way that we have been trying to improve retention is by encouraging our online students to communicate with (what are effectively) tutors. This gives those students who are faltering someone other than their instructor to have some one-on-one time with either via email or telephone.

Hello everyone,

My students know they are always welcome to ask me question or to setup specific times to talk about anything at all. In the online learning environment, creating this type of rapport can be tough, but there are certainly ways around it. Even though I'm online, I do not in anyway shape or form think I give my students less personal attention. I really think it's all in the approach. Thanks, Elisabeth

Hi Sylvia,
I agree with you totally. You have to let each student know they are each different and on different learning levels. Some students have to have more one on one attention and we, as instructors need to focus on those without neglecting the students who need less help.

Giving a student one-on-one time has been very helpful to help them succeed. I sit with them and show them what they are doing right and wrong. I also tell them it's OK if they are not doing something exactly right and that it is part of the learning process. This seems to make them feel more positive about their work.

Hi Rebecca,
You have a good approach to your students and your courses. We all like to be noticed and made a part of the situation we are in. You are doing that with your students. It is obvious that they feel welcome in your class.
What do you think are the most effective methods you use to make your students feel comfortable and accepted in your class?

Personal attention is a must, making sure that each student is part of the group. I stress very hard during orietation that it is impairative that they get along and respect each other,since they will be working very closely with each other. Also that they be sensitive to each others ups and downs and just let any irritaions roll off their backs. It wastes too much energy between students and for instructors. They also know that they can talk to me anytime about anything,and that there is usually a solution.

Hi Dagger,
You hit upon two key points in your forum. Respect and rapport. These two elements determine to a major extent how successful a teacher is going to be. If either is missing then the classroom becomes a place that content is acquired and nothing more.
What do you think are some of the key things you do to establish respect and rapport with your student?

I take my role of an educator serious. I feel that giving personal attention to each and every student on a daily basis will have a strong impact on how the students will preform as well as in retention. It is vital to take the time to work on the little issue because build rapport with the students is vital so I can assist the students when big issues develop. One of the tools I use is to write a post card to every student every term. Some students have made cooments to me that this is what pulled them through a tough class.
I try my best to learn first and last names of all my student, instructors, and faculty. I believe in living by example. To receive respect, i must give. i make it a point to always open the doors, and say hello to as many students as I can. I know they have so much going on in their lives. It is important to be the light that shows the way to graduation and beyond. It my passion to be the best I can be. If I set the standards high, I have seen the students go to this level.

Hi Sylvia,
Sounds like you have a good plan for helping all of your students succeed. What methods of support have you found to be the most effective in helping students that are struggling?

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