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Students motivate Students

I teach a modular program, so a few students are always completing their education as new students are coming aboard. I find the students who've been through the program, or have been in it longer, have established their own type of peer pressure. They are constantly asking the other students how they will proceed once out of school, and encourage them to take the national exams in addition to receiving their state license. They even "pressured" my new co-instructor to take her national exams. Seeing all of the success of these students has driven some of the newer ones to want the same success. I find they do most of the motivating, and I do more of the reassuring of those not quite confident enough in their own ability. It works well for our group, so I'm content to provide support to those people that aren't sure of themselves, and let the cohorts do some of the motivating.

We have mentors and dreamcatchers. Our mentors help with tutoring and our dreamcatchers help our new students adjust to coming back to school.

I like the way they are named and the tasks they have to do. These are great supports for students.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Peer pressure is one of the strongest personal motivators. The student sees their peers doing well, and they want the same successes. They can see how success makes them feel and strive for it. They want to be viewed by their peers as competent, and part of the group of succeeders. I try to give encouragement that they,too, can achieve these successes and aide in their self-confidence.

Good point and one that we instructors should use to our advantage as we work with our students. Have graduates come in and speak to the class so the students can see how one of their peers has gone on to be successful in the field. This sets the stage for motivation and enthusiasm to develop in students.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

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