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Never Have a Bad Day

One motivation reinforcer I've found is consistency. Stay consistently positive with your class and sooner or later they will tag along. Ask people "How ya doin'" and the majority of them seem to want to complain or at least be non-committal. I have bad days like everyone else but never own up to it. When you put forth a positve mind-set people will come along with you - start dragging along and they will drag with you, and where's the fun in that???
I'm having a great day - how 'bout you?

Hi William,
I like your attitude. As you say it is easy to complain if given a chance. My classes are all at night so my students are tired by the time I get them. I have to work really hard to get them excited about being in the class for the next 3 to 6 hours. I try to do as you say bout being upbeat. This forces the students to really work to bring down the atmosphere and I am going to work very hard to not let it happen.
If the instructor starts negative then it is a given that the class is going to go down that same road.

My classes are early in the morning (6:30 am start), so motivation early on is critical. My energy level must be consistantly strong from the moment we group. To do this I make sure I am on hand one hour prior, enthusiatic, and convicing that such an early start is one of the great keys to success in our field.

My class also starts early and you are correct in your statement that it is important to stay consistant throughout the day. I try and start the day with the same energy I finish. It is to often I hear it in the instructors lounge that the day is dragging or all of the students are half asleep. I restrain myself but I want to just say to these instructors that the mood in the classroom is set by the instructor..very rarely do you see a sleepy student in my class just based on the level on energy I bring.

Hi Jack,
Good approach. I like how you put yourself in the role of the student so you can anticipate how they are going to respond to the time of day or subject matter. I teach from 4 until 10pm and I have to challenge myself and my students to keep the energy up due to them having worked all day and being very tired. I have fun with it and my students do very well in the courses.

Its an understanding on how to get into a state of mind and motivate others into idintify the right state of mind. Thinking alike

Dr. Meers,

Do you have any suggestions on how to maintain a strong energy level in a online course? Thanks.

Hi Elisabeth,
Great question, don't have a definite answer to it. In my own online teaching I use quick feedback to help show the students of my interest in them. They know I am out there for them and that I am taking a personal interest in their success. Also, I try and make personal my responses and questions so they can get the feel that they are the sole target of my energy even though they are not the only student.
It takes some additional time but I also chat with them some about course progress and situations at their work setting that can be used to help them learn the material. Just some ideas I use that have be helpful to me.

I also try to do the same. Thanks for your input Dr. Meers!

I have found that when I compare what is going on in my life with what is going on in my students lives, I do not ever have a bad day. The more often that I look at things in a positive light, the more often I feel good and have a good day.

One of my fellow instructors uses this phrase" You can feel bad on the inside, but feel good on the outside" meaning that if you don't let how you feel affect you will have a good day. He consistantly has a good class, it is relaxed, and the students learn. John has fun, but maintains control and keeps the subject flowing.

Hi Rod,
Sounds like you have an instructor that you can use as a model for how to keep students involved and how to manage a classroom, even though things might not be going the best personally.
Thanks for sharing this positive image of a good instructor.

I fully agree that if you show a positive attitude your students may not initially buy in, but if you persist they almost dont have a choice, they will draw off of your energy this is not always easy because we all have bad days but as an instructor it is our job to do our best for the students, even if they seem they dont want to buy in at times.

The key is transform negative environmental with  Positive  attitude.How can we perform this?

Just allow the student talking and students express feeling regarding this issues.

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