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A Library Without Windows or Doors

I hate to resort to the negative to illustrate the positive, but my friend Dr. Bob is the antithesis of the empathetic, motivational instructor. He is a brilliant man and has accumulated vast amounts of knowledge and experience. However, a Dr. Bob class is an excercise in monotone, rote, hyperbolic rhetoric followed by standardized tests. Discussions are few, opinions are discouraged and class morale is non existant. His research has given him tenure so he will probably be quoting the same notes from his death bed. He is respected in his field but reviled by his underachieving students. Poor Dr. Bob. Poor Students.

Hi Johnny,
Thank you for the example. So sad you have a real live experience to share, since many students have been affected by this type of instructor.
At least you have a model of what not to do.

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