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Personal Experiences

Some of my students bring inappropriate personal anecdotes to the classroom. This can create awkward moments for the other students, as well as for me, the instructor. It can be difficult to set boundaries, but is sometimes necessary.

Hi John,
This sharing of your professional experiences is a good way to help the students to see the relevancy and application of what they are learning. This helps to make it real for them. Keep telling those stories.

I share my personal experience in the field with the students, they always ask for more to look forward to what they will be doing.

I found that personal experience helps keep the students focused

Hi Jacinda,
Well said. You are creating a strong connection with the students plus giving them a sense about the real world in which they will be working very soon.

I find that I capture everyones attention in class by sharing personal experiences with them. Being in the medical field, I have some very colorful and true to life stories. I share good and bad experiences with my students. This humanizes me to them.

When a personal experience relates to the subject matter it can become one of the best learning tool of the day!!!!

Hi Herschel,
Your comments about keeping focused are key. Students can easily take a discussion off course and without instructor guidance it will never return to the topic that day. Sounds like you stay on top of such discussions to make sure that your students make progress each time they meet.
Good job.

As an instructor teaching mostly career type courses and populated by adult students, I have been fortunate that most of the stories presented in class are of a non-personal nature and ones related to their work environment. Even then, there are potentially "hot button" issues that could derail the class from the learning experience and become targentially directed into an "ain't it awful" gripe session. I will interupt that attempt to refocus the class back by relating my own work experience in a similar situation and ask the owner of the "distasteful" statement to look at the situation in a different light. Later I will ask the student to meet with me "off line" to review the situation, and coach/mentor the student in addressing the frustration in an "adult" manner and help "him" resolve his issue.

Hi Timothy,
I'm wondering if you could expand on your comments about personal perspectives. I'm not exactly clear on what you are trying to say about them.
I think relating personal experiencs in the career field are a good way of illustrating to students the various approaches to solving a problem. It also shows the realities of working in that career field.
Any help you can give me on your comments will be appreciated.

It's good to have a personal perspective, but I make the stories wait until I'm done my lesson. Ask them to wait patiently for the right time and make it clear to the students that this is not your (the instructor) perspective of the situation. Wait till break or social hour for that.

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