motivation through reinforcement
I gave my student motivation by reinforcemet on your good work, no matter how bad it look, or I tell them. they will do better next time on your project. motivation for a student is very important.
Hi Lorna,
Good approach. You are supporting your students while giving them feedback and this way they can continue to improve their skills. Student support is one of the main reasons we are all in the classrooms. The all important human factor. Keep up the good work.
I am a Facilitator for a higher education institution. Mostly, my target students are Hispanic professionals trying to finish their Master's degrees. Due to the nature of our program; bilingual, accelerated and for adults, some of our students have a hard time with language matters. As an instructor, and considering the fact of the language development stages of a second language in adults, even if I point out the areas they need to work and improve, I have developed a support method within my classroom to keep my students motivated. Let's say that I have assigned an oral report in English, which is mainly a "big monster" for them. After the report is done and I have pointed out the areas to be worked, I will ask the class to give the person who has just talked a big applause. I will add a verbal reinforcement to let them note that I appreciate the effort and give them a chance to express in their native language how did they feel about the experience. The process has always give me good result to keep my students motivated to learn and improve their language skills.
Hi Sylvia,
Everyone likes to be reinforced to do better. By giving encouragement to your students you are helping them to want to do better the next time.