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Cell phones

Visual aids seem to grab my students attention.

Cell phones in the classroom only divert attention away from the learning activity. They should only be allowed to be used at breaks and in between classes.

Is there anything against collecting the phones in the beginning of class and returning them at the end. I know these are adults in our class but some have forgot.

There are many different cell phone policies. I tell them to put their cell phones on vibrate if they are dealing with some kind of family emergency. Otherwise they are to be turned off. I give professional points in classes and they are earned by not using their cell phones, coming to class and being on time. If a student forgets and pulls out a phone, I stop and tell him/her to put it away. This reinforces my policy and lets them know I am going to enforce the policy on a consistent basis.

Dr. Gary Meers

I agree. At the begining of the course, there should be some type of guide as to when students are allowed to use cell phones. At break or at lunch. I had a colleague who said, if your phone goes off during class you had to dance. Another instructor suggested if phone goes off during test, points would be deducted from thier original score.

Cell phones are a distraction and students will text back and forth or even play games. There is no way they are learning what is being covered in the class when they are playing with the phone.

I agree. This is why I don't allow them in my classes. They are put away and I don't want to see them again until the course is over. It is hard enough to keep their focus as it is without having to compete with cell phones.

Dr. Gary Meers

At the beginning of my course, I have a list of expectations. One of them is not to pull out their cell phones. If I see one out, they get an infraction. Most of the time, after one student is caught, the problem will go away.

Sounds a lot like my class policy. I don't want to see, hear or smell a cell phone during class. Emergency situations are factored in but over all they only distract from learning.

Dr. Gary Meers

If the classromm has active computers, it provides the students with optional activities like Web surfing or playing computer games.

The key is to use all the resources you have. Having such resources serve to enhance the learning experience of students and keep them engaged.

Dr. Gary Meers

The Cell phone issue is a constant problem. I have similar policies, but what amazes me the most is the absolute addiction. I am thinking of providing a small table at the front on the room with a velvet cloth where pones can "rest" while class is in session. I do think it is important to talk about proper use of cell phones in business and social situations. Many students look at me as if I've lost my mind. A friend of mine who owns a large business was interviewing a "professional" prospect when the man's wife called and he took the call and proceeded the write a short grocery list in the middle of the interview!

Part of my ongoing challenge as well. I like your example. Have to file that under "doesn't get it does he?". So common with our students. Any strategy that will get the phones silent for the class will work. I give professional points throughout the course base upon attendance and non cell phone use. The points can make the difference of a grade so the students do a real good job of keeping the phones silent.

Dr. Gary Meers

I hate to say it but sometimes the adults act worse than a highschool student. Unfortunately we can't collect an adult phone but can reiderated some consequences if it used in class.

Good point about the phones. If you are fair, firm and consistent with your cell phone policy the problem will be reduced. The students need to see the reason for having the phones silenced in relation to their learning. This really helps in handling the situation.

Dr. Gary Meers

the students are adults there for we have to treat as adults i belive they need to have cells on vibe there are ways to handle situation points taken off grades to having them leave the class

With situations like this it is important to be clear and consistent on polices about attendance, phones, etc.. This way when something comes up, everyone involved understands the consequences.

Dr. Gary Meers

I have started to draw attention to the cell phone addiction by using a comical approach. At the beginning of the class day one I explain that cell phones are to be put away as in away from your body and on vibtrate at all times. I tell them that I realize how hard it is to be disconnected from the real world for 50 whole minutes at a time. If there is an emergent call they are waiting for then they may keep the cell phone on their person. If I notice that cell phone use is being abused by many I will tell the class as a whole at the beginning of the next class period that it is now time to update there facebook, check in or whatever they were using the cell phones for previously. I joke that I am available for a short time only if they want me to be in their FB photo with them. This usually gets the point accross.

Nice forth right approach to getting this policy across to the students in a fum way. This lets them know your expectations without anyone getting upset about the rule.

Dr. Gary Meers

Yeah the contant texting and checking their phones seems to be a huge problem in classes.

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