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Knowing your students

Sometimes you are lucky enought to find a cominality among the students on a particular subject that is outside of the corriculum. Saving this info for the right time may be helpful. When you have lost focus from the students bring up this subject for a Quick discussion. Keep it brief and return to classswork after the students attention has returned. This has worked for me.

Hi George,
By looking for and be able to use information such as that you listed in the forum is what makes an instructor appealing to students. By using this information at an appropriate time it is possible to redirect and reengage the students so progress is being made. Good job.

Gary; If I didn' know the little things about by students, I would be lost. When the time comes that you need to talk to the student about grades, attendance, or about any other subject that needs to be adjusted, the information that you have on the student sure helps. My students are 85% single mothers, trying to get a degree and to get a better job to have more money and a better life for the family. When the student comes to the first class, this is the time to get the information that can help you. I have them fill out a 3x5 card with all information about them, date of birth, home and cell phone, also a telephone number of grand parent or a parent, just in case I need to reach them. This is because we have a telephone tree to call my student if they are needed in a search or crime scene. This information has helped me several times in talking with the student that feels that they have no one to talk to. In most of my students, I know that they have a boy or girl, I don't know the names of the child, I know what they want to do with thier life, and I am here to help them. This is a big factor. I have over 100 students this term, and starting in January, I willm have 22 more. This is a lot of work to keep up on, but it sure pays when you are asked to sit down and to face a problem with your students. AL

Hi Al,
Thanks for sharing your approach to getting to know and supporting your students. They are fortunate to have an instructor like you that really cares about their future. They are coming to you with many reasons why they shouldn't succeed and you are giving them many more reasons why they should. Keep up the good work. I know it is a lot of work with that many students but the results are worth it. Think of the legacy you are leaving as a result of helping your students complete their training and moving into employment.

Response to George, I agree that you have to know each student and their needs. Many bring a lot of issues from their lives which have to be considered in the classroom, like a day job and sitting in class at night or child care issues. I believe that of students know that instructors care about their personal lives they will want to stay in class. They receive the motivation and support they may not be receiving elsewhere.

I have 22 adult students that come from 9 different cultures and backgrounds, it's imperative to incorporate this diversity into the learning experience because by letting them contribute their own experiences the get engage and are enthusiastic about what the are learning

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