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managing participation

I am in instructor in cake decorating.
when I am going to give a demostration and I gave them hang out, they start asking questions before time,in another word before I start the demostration,the problem is one student start after another one and so on,what I gave done is I tell them to wait until I have finsh gaven the demostration,them ask questions

I am teaching Physics to ITT-Tech. students in Houston , Texas. I try to present the lecture combined with simlpe experiments, and the students very interested.
Viorel Florescu

Hi Linda,
Good plan for involving all of your students in the learning process.

What I will do is organize the class into groups. I will be the very experienced student and the newer student in the same group. For example, if we are attempting to code a surgical procedure, I break the class down into groups so that there are very active students that love to talk, and then the very quiet student. Each person in the group must present a part of the operative report to the class with the support of their classmates. Sometimes this can get a very quiet student to begin sharing because of the support from the more experienced student.

Hi Rebecca,
Good approach to getting your students invovled and using not only their new knowledge base but their background experiences as well.
You are right about adults flying through exams. They have this fear that they won't have enough time so they miss questions by not slowing down and really reading what the question is asking.

I am an instructor at a massage college, during class I give the students individual situations to answer especially concerning ethical situations. This gives everyone a turn to talk and to express themselves. And during exam review they each must read and answer a question without interuption. If they need help they get to ask. I have found that adults tend to read testing questions to fast and miss the meaning. Or we sometimes have team quiz sessions.

Hi Sylvia,

I teach a different type of class, but it has a lab component which is almost like a demonstration in cake-decorating and it includes a written explanation of the lab assignment. From what you are writing, I would have the students watch the demonstration first, then give them the handout and request that they read the material. Otherwise you may find that they are reading the material and not watching you. Have simple step-by-step directions and go over the steps with them. Then state that you would be happy to answer any questions that they have after they read the material. I hope this helps.

Cheryl Matthias

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