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With our entitlement culture and the desire to up enrollment numbers you are right on in terms of outlining the challenges we instructors face. Our colleges have to keep in mind that if we do not maintain the standards and competencies of our different career fields we will turn our inferior products. These products (our graduates) will fail and before long our colleges will not be in business. We must maintain high standards and if it means fewer students so be it. Tutorial programs exist to help students to increase their academic skills so they can be successful in the career courses. This is a much better way to prepare students over just putting them in courses to get count. Sorry for the soapbox.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Retention is not just about attendance it's also about understanding thier needs a a person with families and wanted to succeed into a carrer not just a job. Also having a support person that is inside the educational realm that understands the struggles that a student has as a student as well as a mother, father or caregiver.

This is such an important part of providing support to students. Knowing they have the support of their school and their instructors goes a long way in keeping them in school even when life events start to challenge their being able to complete their program.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

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