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Retention is important

As a company our lively hood depends on our students. So it is important to keep them motivated and interested in what they are doing.

I agree about the motivation. I also create an environment that makes the student want to be in class through various means of activities appealing to all learning types.

Hi Blaik,
What are some of the things you do to create an environment to help make the students to want to come back? Thanks in advance for sharing these strategies.

Motivation in the classroom is inportant I try to keep activities that want them to keep learning

Hi Brian,
You are right on about motivation. What are some of the activities that you use to help your students to want to keep learning?

We have to walk on a tightrope. On the one side is the need for retention, keeping the students motivated and on track towards graduation. The other side is recognizing that they must meet our academic standards. It is quite a balancing act.

Hi Doreen,
Right you are about the balance needed between retention and standards. I feel we must do all we can to support the retention of our students but we cannot compromise on the standards. If we do not turn out highly trained individuals we soon will be out of business so that is the side if really focus on. We need to and can provide instructional supports to help students succeed with the course content but they themselves have to acquire and refine the skills necessary for career success.

It is so important to help with retention of our students. As an instructor, I call my students, email and text to inquire why they missed a class. Most of my students let me know when they are going to miss class (the good ones, anyway), but some I have to continue to stay on them and they have every excuse for missing classes. Then, making up class time is an issue. What can I do for these students. They have to be responsible for doing their part.

Hi Cathy,
Set a clear attendance policy and what happens if an assignment or test is missed. Then be consistent in enforcing your policy. Don't enable your students if they miss. You can share with them the handouts they missed and give them the assignments. From there it is up to them to complete the missed worked. Let them know they won't receive the same points for the work as if they had handed it in on time. This really helps them to start seeing the value of being in class since in the real world their employers won't tolerate them missing work on a regular basis.

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