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Age Diversity + Disabilities

As an instructor in a Rehab School, I face on a day to day basis with students of 55-60 year old ages. I find it extremely challenge and difficult to teach them since they have very little educational background, and have dissabilities. The things they learn, might take them a great amount of time to pick it up. But again, I only have couple of hours to teach them the topic. The next day, they will forget what they have learned. I have no problem, going over the subject with them, but I have a syllabus to follow, so time is critical. Each module will cover about 20-30 chapters for two week period.
On top of Memory Retention, many of these students suffer pain and other problems at home.
Please, I will like to hear from others what you guys will do, and can do to improve and speed up the classes.

I agree that it is a challenge to teach students with little educational background. I find that if I take time to learn about their own backgrounds and what they do already know, it helps me to find a way to teach them according to their own experiences in life.

Hi Albert,
You ask a very hard question with no simple solution. Having taught this age group for a number of years I have found my most effective methods involve breaking down the information into smaller "chunks" of information. These smaller units are highlighted through guided notes, structured outlines, and the use of mnemonic devices to help them learn the material. I have found that progress is rapid once they see they can succeed in the class plus gain confidence in themselves. I know these are things you already know, but I thought they might be of help when thought about once again. I give my students study guides to follow when ready their texts so they don't seem so overwhelmed with 20-30 chapters to ready in two weeks. Mentally I try and get them to see nuggets of information within the 150-200 pages rather that just 150-200 pages they have to slog through.
If you have any other questions or suggestions I would enjoy discussing them with you.

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