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Hi Rory,
That is exactly why the more career mature students are such great resources for our classes. They are there because they see the value of the training they are getting and can share that value with other students as a result of their life experiences.

One thing that I try to do is to have students work with as many different partners as possible. Occasionally they can stay where they are seated and work with the friend that they know well,but I usually use a simple technique to mix things up. A real quick one is to number off and ask either the odd numbered or even numbered student to move back one,two,or three seats. Another technique is typing out quotes, separating them into two parts,randomly passing them out and when they reconstruct their quote they will also find their partner. It gets people up and moving as well.
Crystal Berntson

Hi Crystal,
Thank you fro sharing these strategies on how to create working groups. I know these will be of benefit to the other participants.

Joseph, when I first started teaching, I tended to allow students to form their own groups. I quickly learned that this was not the most effective method of generating classroom discussion. Now, I assign groups and I have found that students actually prefer to be assigned vs. having to pick their own groups. I think it alleviates some of the pressure of having to fit in and "what if I don't get picked" etc. It is also mirrors more closely what happens in the workforce. Most of the time we do not get to pick our colleagues!

I have noticed as well that there need to be a mix of genrations when working on projects. When it does come to games people in same generatiosn do well because of the commonalities.

Hi Paul,
Good observation about how to integrate diverse student populations. When you create learning groups like that the mix really helps to develop not only the content areas but the need social development and respect as well.

Mature students not only contribute to the class in terms of learning outcomes, they bring survival skills to many of the young studnets

I agree. I really like having these students in my classes as they help the younger students to see the value of what is being taught and how that content can be applied in the real world.

Dr. Gary Meers

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