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Delivering my lecture

I like to walk around the class room when I lecture. It keeps me relaxed and it helps me see if everyone is listening. I try to get everyone involved by asking question about the topic of the day.

I too have found that moving helps me to be more at ease & comfortable.

Dr. Ryan Meers

I feel it is very important tomake sure as the instructor i am up and moving in the room when i am lecturing as well as when we are in lab. If you up and moving during lecture you have the ability to see if you have the attention of your students. You also have the ability to read the faces of the students to see if the information you are trying to deliver is being understood by the students.

I agree and I think it also shows your enthusiasm for the subject matter.

Dr. Ryan Meers

I too like to move about the class during lecture and lab. It provides me an opportunity to gauge the students' level of understanding on the topic or lab task and it also allows the shy student to ask questions or seek clarity.
Moving about allows us to think better and gives the student/observer frequent changes to their visual focus.

and I think when we do engage those students who are shy, it's better to do it from a closer proximity. This almost feels more like a 1-1 conversation which may help them feel more comfortable.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

Moving around the class room during a discussion will improve retention of the subject, however if movement is too sporadic or consistently appears to be nervous, quick movements it becomes a distraction. Calm even paced movements and good eye contact is a big plus.

thank you for pointing out the differences in the types of movements. So true that movement can be distracting if we are not careful or just wandering.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

The comment that was made about engaging a shy student from close proximity, is an excellent point. The vantage point, might make the student feel that the instructor cares about him/her as an individual.

and this can also help in shrinking the audience size in the student's mind. While the whole class is still there, it can help them feel as if they are only talking to the instructor.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

I have found that when I am not well prepared for my lecture, I tend to be very monotone and that is not good. Even though I might have a passion for what I am teaching, my class is now in another place and not with me in class.
And pacing on top of that was not a good thing. I very quickly had to change that, and the difference was visible the next time during lecture. My class was a part of it, and I became more of a conversation, and not me just talking at them. They liked being a part of it.


and I have also found that when I am not prepared I do not make as good use of my time. When I do prepare well I am generally much more efficient in my use of time.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

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