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Music yeah

I like the idea of using music. I am going to try it while the students are working on their own doing lab work. Sounds fun. Students are young and very attracted to music in general I think.

I have mixed feelings about using music in the classroom. Everyone has different tastes and some individuals, like myself, are sensitive to sounds. If I do not like the music being played, I find it very distracting and want it turned off. If I want to use music in my classroom, I would have to guess the type of music that would be soothing and appealing to my students. The differences in generation and culture will make this a difficult task for me. I am willing to try but would need help in the selection process and would like to hear music success stories from my fellow Learning Facilitators first.

I would like to use instrumental music in my class. This music will not distract the students.

World music also expands the horizons of students

I like the idea of using music also. World music calms the students and seems to put them at ease. Particularly on test days.

I think it has to be music you control. I do not mind music, but in the past I have allowed students to play I pods in class and the music on them is horrid!

Hi William!

I think using music in the classroom depends on a lot of variables - some we can control and some that we cannot.

To be honest I have not had much succes with music in the classroom but I would like to.

Good job!

Jane Davi
s ED107 Facilitator

Eventhough I love to work with some music, in my lab (baking) students often ask me for some music. I'm afraid it might distract them too much and no production will be achieved...

Everyone has different tastes and some individuals, like myself, are sensitive to sounds. If I do not like the music being played, I find it very distracting and want it turned off. If I want to use music in my classroom, I would have to guess the type of music that would be soothing and appealing to my students.

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