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I have found that putting students in groups that work always provide a positive learning experience. It is important to group strong students with weaker ones so that they all learn.

yes, providing balance in these student groups is an important component.

Dr. Ryan Meers

I almost completely agree. I think that you have to know your strong student because he/she may not want to carry the group. So if that person has the personality to lead and mentor then this scenario works well, otherwise it creates problems.

I have found that there seems to always be at least one person that does not carry their weight. Group work can be great and frustration.

we also have to watch those strong/leader type students so that they don't force their ideas & opinions onto the group as a whole.

Dr. Ryan Meers

Very constructive use of the working groups because among all the students can give feedback, share experiences and discuss issues with different views.


yes those groups can really be great learning opportunities for the students, when used correctly.

Dr. Ryan Meers

I do like to utilize group activities. For one thing, we just don't have the resources to provide enough equipment for coompletely individual study. Advanced students who might be disruptive and/or bored in class can be engaged by leading a group and assisting shy or less advanced students. The problem that I have with groups is that the weaker members tend to be somewhat passive and abdicate responsibility to the leaders. In the field we are all ultimately alone and soley responsible for our work. It is difficult to get students into that mindframe of "owning" their work without seeming too pedantic.

I have been very successful in using group strategies in my classroom. However, it is important that the stronger students are willing to share with others. As facilitators, we should ensure that the strong students understand their role in the group and how it will benefit them and the weaker ones.

I try to avoid group projects because I have found Students feel they have less control over the project them if they worked alone.Some students feel that they could have attained a higher grade if they worked alone.Students sometimes feel they are carrying others, or everyone is not contributing equally. It is easier for students slip through the cracks.If the group is doing well that does not mean everyone has a total grasp of the project

this is true and it is also true that many of the students will find themselves working in teams or groups in their professions so it is a valuable skill to learn.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

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