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what type of test/assessment do you prefer?

i prefer making multiple choice tests because they are easy to grade and it covers a vast amount of material.

I also prefer multiple choice for its obvious advantage especially when I have to handle many different classes. The students can also get results faster. However, I like to include some completion because it precludes guessing and I can tel if they really grasp the important facts.

Hello All,

In my personal experience, it is dependent on the class that I teach. In teaching general education classes, I usually use multiple choice and true/false tests. In upper level classes, I use essays and matching of content tests.


Multiple choice are easy to grade and I can make the question scenario based in order for them to decpiher what is important in the question.

Multiple choice because it covers a lot.

I agree. I use multiple choice tests because they are faster to grade and I can test my students over a wider content area.

I prefer multiple choice. I find the students will score a higher grade with this type of test

We use scantron and yes I agree multiple choice is best.

I prefer multiple choice because they are of the same type used when we certify the students.

Multiple choice tests are mostly used. I love actually testing kinesthetic.

I teach 3D software, and creating an assessment is really very easy, as the skills required to pass the course are also the very skill they use to create their assets for me in class. I love live, continuous assessment.

Multiple choice are easiest for us. I would like to move into computer testing so that a wide variety of questions I can't manufactor on paper tests can be utilized.

I like Multiple choice because if the student is having trouble with a question. I simply tell then to read the question 2 or 3 times and if they still don't know the answer. Read the answers and answer it with the question. It gives more thinking options.

I personally use a combination of multiple choice and completion on one test. I feel this gives a more accurate testing of student knowledge.

I personally tend to shy away from most test types with the exception of Skills Based testing. In some classes it is necessary to test facts with multiple choice or true false, but if I can I will always choose a project based assessment over a memorization test.

The subject you teach has a lot to do with it however. I mostly teach computer classes, and they lend themselves well to projects over testing.

I prefer multiple choice. It engages critical thinking, on a nominal level, yet it does.

Hi Todd, Thanks for your post to the forum. I agree that in some disciplines application assessment is the most appropriate. Best wishes for continued success in your teaching career.

Susan Polick

I agree. The only downside to skills based testing is the time involved to administer. I am currently only using skill based testing twice during a 6 week period, once at Midterm and in conjunction with the class paper final. I test using mostly multiple choice but try to add a few True/False per test

Depend on the cource and students I create and format different test. For preassesement i prefer multiple choice question. A short quiz is usually matching. For final exam i create a test with all type of questions

I like to break up each exam into sections with all different types of tests. It can be a bit more work, but that's part of what I signed up for and I find it works out well for me and my students.

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