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Critical Thinking

Critical Thinking is the development of logical reasoning patterns. Developing good reasoning skills in our students will serve them throughout their lives.

As we grow we have to develop an control how we think. Critical thinking will help us make wise decisions and learn that we are in control of our emotions.

I use case studies or what if situations to help my students develope critical thinking skills which they need in the real world.

I agree with you 100%. The ability to work through a problem or situation using different methods is a very good skill to have. Not everybody can step back and look at the whole picture for example to repair a problem.

Hi Mary, Thanks for your post to the forum. The employers who hire our graduates tell us that they are looking for employees with those critical thinking skills. Best wishes for continued success in your teaching career.

Susan Polick

I agree. The more critical thinking activities added to classroom settings will help students make wiser decisions with everyday life and colloge work.

Students will need to develop critical thinking skills that will follow them not only throughout their education, but in life. Without critical thinking skills, it will be hard to function.


Hi Sandra, The employers who hire our grads tell us that they are seeking grads with those skills. Best wishes for continued success in your teaching career.

Susan Polick

I am finding students struggling with life issues that are the result of poor decision making. This emotional, compartmented thought process is almost a knee jerk impulse that occurs in test taking as well. Having them get that they know more than they think they do yet connecting the dots seems to be a challenge.

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