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Test Questions

I have a better understanding on how to test my students understanding of the class content.

Hi Andrea, Thanks for your post to the forum. I'm glad that you have found this course helpful! Best wishes for continued success in your teaching career. Susan

Susan Polick

In many cases, student prefer a multiple choice test, because they think it requires fewer thinking skills than does essay, or fill in the blank. Most standardized tests are multiple choice and student often fail them. Therefore, the reasoning of student is faulty and teachers need to come up with tests based on the prevailing learning style of the class where possible.

Yes, students prefer multiple choice questions. If the choices are well selected, thinking must take place to select the correct answer. Not all multiple choice questions are easy.

Hi Catherine, Thanks for your post to the forum. That's a good point - it really depends on how the test is constructed. Best wishes for continued success in your teaching career. Susan

Susan Polick

Multiple choice tests can be helpful, as long as the distractors are constructive. I personally feel that "all or none of the above" are a cop-out by the instructor :)

I often tell students that their job is to select the 1 right answer, and my job was to find 3 wrong answers for the same question!! Who has the harder job!

Hi Ann, Thanks for your post to the forum. I must say that I agree with you about multiple choice questions! Best wishes for continued success in your teaching career. Susan

Susan Polick

I agree with your posted comments. However, some of multiple choice questions are very confusing because the contents of choices given are similar therefore chances of guessing increase.
Fill in the space questions are harder then multiple choice questions because students have to construct the contents to fill.

I sometimes construct a short answer test where the answers are listed on the bottom of the page. So it is a combination of multiple choice and matching but there is a possibility of 15 or 20 choices for each question.

I always prepare my own test questions from the material presented. While I have and do look at prepared questions that sometimes come with textbook, I believe it to be more accurate and fair for the instructor to create his or her own questions. However, sometimes the prepared question give ideas that I will incorporate into my own questions.

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