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Student Learning Assessment

The teacher and student work together to assess the student’s knowledge, what she/he needs to learn to improve and extend this knowledge, and how the student can best get to that point.

Hi Tarek- Thanks for your post to the forum. I agree that the assessment process must be a mutual one with students giving and getting feedback. Best wishes for continued success in your teaching career. Susan

With the instructor and student working together to assess the student's knowledge, also sends the message that the instructor cares about their future and cares that the student is learning in their class.

Hi Stephanie!

My college has implimented that all instructors complete a bi-weekly evaluation for each student. This way, each student is informed of their progress. Student and Instuctor "one on one" evaluations help to encourage students.

This is a very good idea, I will try to get this started at my school.

I really like this idea this allows for encouragment along with advice and show room for improvement. I really like the one on one idea this also allows the student to ask questions they may not ask in front of others.Great idea

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