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Getting students to ask questions

With a quiet group I prefer to have them write a question and then I redistibute the questions to the class and have each student read that question recieved.

I agree some students are often times reluctant to answer questions because they fear giving the wrong answer. I think it is a good ideas to write down the questions and have each of the students read the questions this will help with participation points for those who wont volunteer.

That's a really good idea. It also would help those who can't think of a good question at the time come up with questions later. They will get to hear and see some of the questions asked by others (which may not be so good or may be excellent), so they will feel more confident when asking their own questions.

Good information. I might use this idea with the new term. It is hard to get some students to participate but this is a great way to break up lectures and implement group activity. It will also give me some idea of what the class is thinking and where they need improvement.

I generally start a universal topic something they all can relate to and then I branch off to a more lecture question by this time they are all wound up and ready to discuss whatever the lesson is about.

Providing students friedly envirement and allowing them to engage with class meterials wil be great help

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