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Adding diversity in your method of teaching depending upon students mo

I think an instructor should adopt the method which suits the student as the goal of Instructor is to make students learn

I agree with you. In a class I teach that all students are required to take, no matter what their program, I try to use discussion/lecture, as well as multimedia, interactive online lessons, and hands on projects for all the lessons. It is a class that many students don't think they need, but actually do in this day of technology. These strategies seem to help the students to learn and retain much of the important course content.

Hi Pamela, Thanks for your post to the forum. You are using an excellent mix of delivery formats! Best wishes for continued success in your teaching career.

Susan Polick

I like to diversfy my teaching method because it enhance comprehension of the subject material. Consequently, test scores are much higher.

Diversity plays a important role in teaching method, specially in a big class room students get bored with out diversity. while I am teaching i rationalize the teaching time writting on board, lecture, showing power point, and giving hand out for class work. It enhance comprehenssion of the subject material.

Hi Sultana, Thanks for your post to the forum. Yes, varying our delivery options does result in better student engagement and comprehension. Best wishes for continued success in your teaching career.

Susan Polick

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