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Learning styles

I find that when I discuse the subject and then show the students what it is I am talking about. Then let them perform the work. And at the end exsplain what they have learned a little more in depth I get really good results.

i agree dicusions should always have some sort of visual aids and hands on to insore you hit all learning styles to meet the needs of the students

I do agree I always try to use some visual aids during my lectures to help get my point acrossed. I will even do a demo on some of the parts of our studies so students see what it is I am talking about or what they will be doing as a hands on project.

I teach Psychology courses and I find that when students can do hands on actual projects instead of just reading or listening to me... get soak up and retain much more of the information.

Hi Christine - thanks for your posting. Students do tend to like active learning. You're correct, they really do absorb more if they think, learn and then do.

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