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Introducing a controversial subject

When you are introducing a controversial subject that you know will cause strong reactions among many in the class, what are some of the techniques that you have used to diffuse tension before it begins.

One of the things I do is to break the students up into groups of 3-4 students each. Then I give them a question to respond to such as a pro or con position on a controversial subject. This gets them to talking among themselves about how they should respond to the position they are given. Then each group reports out on the topic in relation to the assigned position. So if for example a student is against a position but has been assigned to the pro discussion group he/she has to think about the other side for a few minutes and discuss it with others. After each group has given their input on their position, either pro or con I then have a general discussion with the class where personal opinions and input can come up. What results is a much more realistic and informative discussion since they will have already done some thinking about both sides of the issue.
Hope this format will be of help to you as your direct your next discussion on a controversial topic.

Dr. Gary Meers

I had a teacher in sociology once who would choose a word for the board that was like a button to get the students thinking about it. Then he would ask the class to raise their hand and give their opinion if they wished. The Teacher would announce that he was going to play "devil's advocate" if he wanted to give an opposing view. He would ask the students to again comment. The teacher could then teach without seeming so subjective on a topic (which can easily be inevitable) and could be a guide instead of propaganda.

Good example for you to consider as you develop your own instructional style.

Dr. Gary Meers

Some techniques to diffuse tension before a controversial subject would be to bring up general terms relating to the controversial subject and use class discussion to understand the connotation of the terms, as well as why they are controversial. This will bring the topic about more slowly and the instructor can get a feel for trouble spots on the topic.

I like the advice you give on how to ease into a controversial subject. This way the students stay engaged and the subject is covered without things falling apart.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I have discussed controversial topics in class. I start by stating that I am not going to discuss my personal opinion or say what is right or wrong. AFter a short introduction of why the topic is controversial, I have the students begin debating with each other. I can then almost stay out of the way and just mediate the conversation.

I like your approach because you are letting the students learn and grow in their discussion sessions while you are just guiding the interaction rather than dictating what their position should be on a controversial topic.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

When introducing a controversial subject, I find it best to initiate the conversation with a disclaimer that there is no particular correct answer. Many people have very strong opinions on opposite sides but can gain new perspective by listening to the opposition and using it to strengthen or weaken their own argument.


Good way to lay out the ground rules for such discussions. This way the discussion can be held in a way that engages students but doesn't offend them either.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

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